Fancy seeing you here. Wanting to know about me on a personal level. 


I’m a Creative Director Mother London. I’m only 5’3 but I’m convinced I give off 5’5 energy and make sure to drop that into conversation as much as possible. I’m also American but I’ve been in London since 2018 so I sorta sound like Madonna when she was married to Guy Ritchie? And when I say sorta, I mean that is exactly what I sound like.

Anyway this is a photo of me and my business associate having a serious tête-à-tête, so you can have a visual picture in your head when you peruse my site and find yourself thinking ‘wow this girl is truly insufferable huh’. Nah I’m only joking. This is not my business associate, this is actually my dog Henry.

Email me at if you’re into that sort of thing

Follow me on Twitter @mollyeatstofu and/or on TikTok @_mollymollymollymolly to support my ego thankyousomuch.